So, I finally gave in and bought a good jogging/biking/walking stroller. Even secondhand the stroller was a pretty penny. Today was our maiden voyage. Went for a run and then a walk with the dogs.
The stroller is supposed to be great in the snow and the cabin keeps the babies protected from the elements. I think we will use the stroller a lot over the next couple years.
Well how fabulous is that Janet! Good for you – I am sure you will appreciate your purchase for a long time .. … The babes are sooooooo cute!!!! I would LOVE to see them!!
Good for you! I love our chariot and we still use it regularly for long bike rides. It’s been my favourite stroller out of all the ones I owned. Babes look pretty content in there too!
So great! Ours still gets daily use for walks with Jill, and I loved having it to bike with both kids this summer.