The twins turned 8 months old two days ago! Eileen is really into sitting, puking, reaching for and sucking on things. She seriously throws up all the time. She happily sits, supported with pillows, for over an hour playing with toys. Ewan is backward crawling, rolling over, planking, bending his body, reaching for and licking things. Anytime something comes close to Ewan’s mouth he sticks his tongue out trying to lick it (it’s absolutely adorable). Ewan spends most of his time on his front side and Elieen spends most of her time sitting up. Ewan is able to sit as well, he’s just prefers being on his front. They both like sucking on their feet (and sometimes mine!). Changing diapers is an adventure, they both want to roll over and grab anything on the changing table (including the dirty diaper), they either keep their legs completely straight or totally bent. If you aren’t quick enough they grab the poop with their hands, and then you have a real mess to clean up.

Ewan and Eileen smile all the time now, they are very happy babies. Ewan especially loves to smile at females! He is such a ladies’ man. Ewan barely cries anymore (just normal baby crying), and he is soooo cuddly.

They are both sleeping well- sometimes through the night, or sometimes with a middle of the night feed. Ewan started sucking his thumb which he uses to sooth himself back to sleep, which is great!!
They have been on and off teething.
They are eating all sorts of flavours and textures. Lots of grains (rice, barley and lentils), meat (elk, moose and deer), fruit and vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, butternut squash, potatoes, apples, spinach, broccoli, bananas, onions, garlic) and spices. They started eating breakfast this month- usually full fat plain Greek yogurt. They are feeding themselves with a spoon that we load with food. It’s messy, but they are skilled at getting the spoon to their mouth, in fact, they don’t like it when we try to feed them.

They were weighed at the lactation doctor’s office on December 15. Eileen weighed 15 pounds and 3 ounces and Ewan weighed 14 pounds and 3 ounces.
And of course they meet Santa for the first time!

Thanks for the newsy update on the babes Janet! I will be sure to show Mom tomorrow when we visit with her and bring her a Christmas lunch and gifts. She loves getting the pictures and updates and spends lots of time going over them. Merry merry Christmas to all of you !!
Loving having the babies visit for Christmas 🙂 and yes, Eileen is so happy all the time and Ewan loves to cuddle (which is so nice for Grandma and Grandpa 🙂