OB Appointment February 23, 2017 – 28 weeks

Appointment with the OB on February 23.  My heart rate was 56, I weighed 181 pounds, my blood sugar level was 5.2 according to my gestational diabetes test on February 13.  This means I do not have GD! Yea!! My blood pressure was measured at 136/82. This is a bit high and I need to monitor my BP at local pharmacies.

I saw both babies on the ultrasound, and both of their heads are down, sometime in the last 2 weeks boy baby did a somersault to join his sister head down.  I didn't even notice!  There is still time for the babes to change positions and rotate but eventually we want both babes to be head down, so this is a great start!!

My hips, glutes, ribs and SI joints are feeling MUCH better. I will sing Dr Patti Hort's (the chiropractor) praises!  Although chiropractory as a whole still weirds me out!!

OB appointment

We met our OB, Dr. Sue Brananowski today.  She is very nice.  When we asked, she admitted it is unlikely she will be at the delivery since the chances of her being on call during my labour are slim (1/12).  We talked about vaginal delivery of twins and a couple possible complications that are considered the exception not the rule.  Nothing to worry about now.  My heart rate was 56, blood pressure was 132/86.  I weighed in at 171 pounds.  Baby A is in the 50-75th percentile for size and Baby B is in the 50th percentile for size.

My next appointment is in 3 weeks.

This is where Baby A is positioned, her head is downward, and she is lying in this curved position.

This is where Baby B is positioned, his head is upward.  They are feet to head in a circle.  Or as Kyle said they are in Yin Yang position.

25 Weeks!!!

Preparing the Kids Room

The kids room is finally finished. With all the prep and 3 different paint colours it ended up being a month long project. I did all the prep work (except for the ceiling- with Kyle’s height advantage it just made sense for him to prep the ceiling) and Kyle painted. He painted the ceiling white (because it was beige before!!) and the walls purple and grey, and touched up the window trim which was very poorly painted.

The colours aren’t exactly what I was envisioning but I really like them, so it’s a win! The grey has a lot of blue in it which I love, and it looks different throughout the light changes of day/night. The purple is SO bold. I’ve never painted an interior wall a non-neutral colour before, it feels good! All in all, super happy with the final product.

Kyle spent a lot of time perfecting the paint job, his lines are impeccable.

January Woes

The month of January has been tough.  It started out with a 2 week migraine and is ending with a head cold.  I am hoping February brings happier experiences.  Also in January my body decided to quit.  My glutes, hips, lower back and ribs are extremely tight, sore and painful.  It was so bad last week I was limping around feeling totally useless. I had a massage therapy appointment with my friend Leanne last Tuesday and I have slowly started to feel better everyday since (except for this head cold).  

I have an appointment with a chiropractor on February 1. She only works on prenatal women and comes highly recommended, I will start seeing her weekly.  My next massage appointment isn’t until March because that was Leanne’s closest availability.  Hopefully the chiropractor will work her magic.  This will be my first time seeing a chiropractor.

January Ultrasound

I had an ultrasound appointment on January 12.  This was to measure my cervix and check up on the babes.  My cervix is long, which is a good thing, I guess, haha!  Heart, brain and kidneys are all developing on schedule for both babes.  Baby A is 1 pound 2 ounces and had a heart rate of 145 beats per minute, Baby B is 1 pound 1 ounce and had a heart rate of 155 beats per minute.  My uterus is all the way up to my ribs and Baby B is below my right ribs (which explains why my right ribs are sore).  Baby A is down below and continues to present first.  Apparently Baby A will always be on the left and Baby B will always be on the right, they just might switch presenting and trailing positions (lower and higher).   I will post the two free picture they gave me of the babes later.

Detailed Ultrasound

Baby A
Baby A
Baby B
Baby B

Today I had a 2 hour detailed ultrasound that went over the details of each babe’s anatomy.  All organs, limbs, fingers, toes and bones were photographed and measured.  I wasn’t given measurements and won’t have those results until my next OB appointment on January 26, 2017.  I had an OB appointment this morning immediately after the ultrasound but the OB’s office didn’t have the results yet.

Both babes are developing perfectly normal.  Baby B still has an absence of a nasal bone but this isn’t anything to be concerned about.  Sometimes they just don’t develop.  The nose will still look normal and formed, it just MIGHT be a bit squishy when pressed down on. The placentas are not low lying (this is a good thing) but one of the babe’s umbilical cord is off centre. This is common with twins, it just means they will continue to track both babes’ growth through one of the many ultrasounds I will be attending over the next 4 months.

All organs are healthy and normal.  All limbs and bones are healthy and normal.  I was able to see baby B’s digits and toes very clearly.  All 10 are accounted for.

The babes are very active and moving around, although I haven’t felt any movement yet.  This will happen within the next 4 weeks according to the OB.   I’ve gained 20 pounds since the beginning of September and my blood pressure is 128/72.  The OB is not concerned about my weight gain, apparently the increase blood volume accounts for 6 pounds alone.   She said I am about to experience rapid weight gain.