We had an appointment with the lactation doctor this morning as a follow up to an appointment at the end of August. The babies’ weight gain has slowed down considerably, but Dr Lamond said this is normal, and she isn’t concerned.
The Dr we meet in August was concerned and wanted me take supplements and start pumping again- this was disappointing news as I felt like things were going so well with feeding amounts and schedule. I didn’t follow her advice as it didn’t feel right. But, over the last week I have started pumping to keep my supply up while the babies and I were sick. This did not increase their weight gain though.
At the beginning of August the babes dropped a night feed and have been sleeping through the night (5 hours at a time) since then! Sleep is so beautiful, and we are getting some solid sleep again!!!
We will be introducing solid foods in 4-6 weeks as they are ready for it, we have a follow up appointment with Dr Lamond for October 20.
Today Eileen weighs 12 pounds and 7 ounces and Ewan weighs 12 pounds 2 ounces.