Lactation Doctor

We had an appointment with the lactation doctor this morning as a follow up to an appointment at the end of August. The babies’ weight gain has slowed down considerably, but Dr Lamond said this is normal, and she isn’t concerned.

The Dr we meet in August was concerned and wanted me take supplements and start pumping again- this was disappointing news as I felt like things were going so well with feeding amounts and schedule. I didn’t follow her advice as it didn’t feel right. But, over the last week I have started pumping to keep my supply up while the babies and I were sick. This did not increase their weight gain though.

At the beginning of August the babes dropped a night feed and have been sleeping through the night (5 hours at a time) since then! Sleep is so beautiful, and we are getting some solid sleep again!!!

We will be introducing solid foods in 4-6 weeks as they are ready for it, we have a follow up appointment with Dr Lamond for October 20.

Today Eileen weighs 12 pounds and 7 ounces and Ewan weighs 12 pounds 2 ounces.

Ewan is sitting up on his own

Ewan sat up on his own for 10 seconds today until he flopped over onto his side!

He is so strong! He stands with support for minutes. He loves looking around at everything in his environment.

He is sleeping so much better at night, but he doesn’t go back to sleep after the morning feed, so he is only getting about 9-10 hours sleep at night (with waking up for the night feed). He naps sporadically during the day for 30 mins at a time. I started reading a book about sleep training your twins- I am hoping this will help with Ewan’s day time napping. Sleep is sooo important!!!

Eileen laughed out loud (LOL)

Today while I was changing Eileen she fully laughed out loud. She’s had other moments of verbally expressed joy, but this was without a doubt a full on laugh! Haha! She is my daughter.

Eileen and Ewan are full of smiles, it’s so sweet.

On September 5 Eileen rolled from her back to her front, she has done it one other time since then.

She is still great at sleeping, with 2-3 solid naps a day and 12 hours at night (with 2 feedings).

Kyle showed Eileen how to blow spit bubbles and now she is obsessed with blowing spit bubbles, that and sucking her middle and ring finger.

Rolling from back to front

Aunt Peggy visits

My Aunt Peggy and my mom came for an extended lay over to meet/visit the babes.

It was so lovely to see my Aunt Peggy, she lives in California so we don’t see each other often!!

The babes were great, Wednesday was the first day they went exactly 3 hours between each feeding. I think it was because my mom and Aunt Peggy were so engaged with them all day.

I also went for a run on Wednesday, it was weird walking out of the house without babies or dogs!! It was my first run of 2017 and post pregnancy.

They have been spending a lot of time looking at each other

4 months!

I can’t believe the twins will be 4 months old in a couple of days!! Things have been a little bit easier over the last 3 weeks. They are sleeping longer at night and going longer between feedings during the day. I feel a little bit of my sanity return with a bit of a night time sleeping routine forming. Day time naps are still all over the place, Ewan won’t nap for more than 15 minutes unless he’s being held. Eileen will sleep anywhere anytime, it’s remarkable how great of a sleeper she is. They both nap in the stroller when we are out walking. I try to get out walking at least 5 days a week.

Over the past month they have really started to notice each other exists. They make eye contact and watch each other’s moves.

This photo was taken on July 31 and it was the first time Eileen intently stared at Ewan following his movements.

Ewan discovered his feet during activity mat time on August 11, and he rolled over for the first time on August 18. He is so strong, he will hold his head up for over a minute

Eileen isn’t quite as strong but she’s trying!

They are both practicing sitting up in the bumbo seat

Last night we took the babes to a community BBQ with a live band that I helped organize as part of my volunteerism for our local community association. Everyone was in love with them haha! They especially liked the ear muffs!

Last weekend I spent my first 8 hours away from the babes. I hike mount Yamnuska with a couple friends.

Ewan rolled over!

Ewan was enjoying some tummy time when all of a sudden he was on his back. He rolled from stomach to his back just 30 minutes ago.

I put him on his stomach again and he rolled over to his back so quickly I missed it trying to pull up my camera app.

Ewan is so strong and loves his tummy time!

This is the end result.