These pictures are from 3 months to 3 months and 1 week
Category: twins
Island Time!
Kyle, Eileen, Ewan and I just spent 2 weeks on the island visiting family and fishing.
The twins were amazing travelling. They didn’t make a peep of noise on the plane ride there or back (Ewan had a little 30 second cry once we landed in Calgary- but I can relate!!).
My immediate extended family (cousins, aunts/uncles- basically sisters and second parents ??) got to meet and snuggle babies.
It’s been decided these babies are water people! They loved it at the cabin and on the boat. In fact when we were home they seemed to be upset spending time inside. Just like their parents and grandparents they are outdoorsy people.
Eileen started sleeping 4-5 hours in a row at night. Ewan still wakes up frequently though. All the change and travel didn’t effect the babies one bit. They are born travellers ?
The trip was wonderful, I miss the island so much. I really wish we could move there.
Aunt Liz, Eileen, Uncle Dave and Ewan
Hunter, Ewan, Grady and Eileen
Uncle Bill and Eileen
Sandy and Eileen
Grady and Eileen. Grady told Alli the next day ‘I love the babies’ – Awe!!!
Aunt Liz, Ewan, Eileen and Hunter
on the boat
fishing on grandpa’s new boat – named Island Time. They were immediately dubbed good luck charms as Kyle caught a fish in the first 20 mins of their first fishing adventure.
The first fish the twins witnessed being caught
This is Heidi (Katie’s baby girl). Gina, Heather, Katie and I spent the day together. It was absolutely fantastic spending time with my childhood besties. We’ve been friends for a looong time!
Gina pregnant with twins holding twins!!
Ewan update
Ewan’s tongue tie healed the way it was supposed to. He is definitely a much more efficient feeder (at the last lactation doctor appointment he took in 110mls in 15 minutes!).
He has a paediatrician for his hemangioma (red mark on his face). He started a beta blocker to stop the growth. Hemangiomas near the lips and eyes are taken seriously. 80% of the growth occurs by 6 months of age. He will be on the beta blocker until around 9 months of age.
He is growing at a rate of 33 grams a day:
3375 grams June 14
3685 grams June 23
3860 grams June 27
3940 grams June 29
4000 grams July 4
4147 grams July 7
4275 grams July 11
*These measurements were taken from 4 different scales*
I asked the lactation doctor to print a copy of Ewan and Eileen’s growth chart (see pictures below). The data on these graphs use their actual age instead of their adjusted age. The lactation doctor is very happy with their rate of growth (Eileen is gaining as a rate of 24.5 grams a day).
Today during tummy time Ewan lifted his whole front body into cobra pose
Cousinly Love!
Babies’ First Camping Trip and Hike
On June 29th to July 2nd when the babies were about 2 months old,
we took the babies out west of Bragg Creek for their first camping trip to what is probably my favourite campsite within an hours drive of the city, Little Elbow Provincial Campground.
This was the first time we took the twins out of the house for more than a few hours and it couldn’t have gone better. They slept really well in our tent trailer and they absolutely loved being in the great outdoors.
On our second day we took them for a hike up Nihahi Ridge which also went really well. We took a break around 4/5ths of the way up to feed the babies on the side of the mountain.
Our good friends Sarah and Levi joined us on the second day with their 1 year old Piper and Levi and I went for a walk down to the Elbow river so that he could get a little fishing in.
The trip really couldn’t have gone better and gave us an idea of what we could look forward to for the rest of the year as we take these babies on one adventure after another (aside from the 4am epic tandem puking session on the 3rd night but I guess it would have been too much to expect that there wouldn’t be at least one challenge to overcome).
9 weeks and Doctor appointments
Our regular GP met the twins yesterday. Everything is good! She refereed Ewan to a different medical professional (maybe a paediatric surgeon) for a consult on his umbilical hernia since it’s huge now.
Eileen measured at 53.5 cm and weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces. Ewan measured at 54 cm and weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces.
We had an appointment with Doctor Lammond (lactation Doctor) on Friday as well. Ewan’s tongue tie clipping was a success, and it seems he is a much more efficient feeder now (he took 80 mls in 7 minutes!). We feel very supported in our journey to breast feed and as a result it is going really well. The kids still feed frequently and sometimes really passively, but that will get better as they grow. We were feeling quite discouraged over the last week but Kyle and I have noticed a real improvement since June 22 (hopefully it continues!). I am pumping less (once a day now and in the middle of the night at the recommendation of Dr. Lammond since the prolactin hormone is highest during those hours). We are also topping up with bottles less (yea!).
Today they are 9 weeks!
8 weeks
Ewan’s Tongue Tie
We had an appointment with a lactation doctor this morning to address Ewans gas/digestive issues/pain. Ewan and Eileen were also weighed and the amount of breast milk they took in a feeding was measured. Eileen weighs 7 pounds and 7 ounces and Ewan weighs 6 pounds 5 ounces. They are gaining around an ounces a day which is perfect.
In a 25/30 minute feed Eileen took in 70 ml and Ewan took in 64 ml. They were very active at the breast and my milk was flowing.
The doctor recommended we clip Ewan’s slight tongue tie. She said it will help him express milk. She also noted he is uncoordinated with his sucking motion and this can tire him out. I consented to have his tongue tie clipped. There is a 20-30% it will grow back. We have to be super vigilant at massaging under the tongue so the skin doesn’t reattach.
The doctor said I could start reintroducing cow’s milk protein into my diet. ??
Ewan has also developed an umbilical hernia from all the crying ☹️.
No post would be complete without pictures!! For your veiwing pleasure:
Parents departure
My parents stayed with us for the first couple of weeks and then Kyle’s parents stayed with us for the next couple of weeks.
It has been such a whirl wind, it’s hard to believe the babes are already 5 weeks old- and we’ve all been home together for 4 and a half weeks!
Our parents not only helped with the babes, made dinners, walked dogs but also helped with our house chores and Kyle’s lengthy honey do list. My dad built a work bench, made slats for our bed and stained our picnic table. Kyle’s parents did a complete overhaul of our garden, trimming, weeding, planting, fertilizing and general care and maintenance. Without them we wouldn’t have a food garden this year. Kyle’s dad also refinished and stained Kyle’s childhood toy box his grandfather made. All the while our moms kept us nourished with delicious homemade meals!!
All the extra support allowed Kyle to get a bunch of house stuff done: garbage/dump run, cleaning eavestroughs, bottling wine, changing winter/summer tires, house laundry and cleaning and yard work. Kyle also continued to work his paying job!!
We are so grateful for our parents support!!